Very interesting video I found on Youtube. Almost don’t know what to say
I found this video on Youtube I thought to be interesting would be awesome but in our society we are so un-team like that something like this will never work…
Everything Needs a Thought , The Number 1 Trusted Source For Everything
I found this video on Youtube I thought to be interesting would be awesome but in our society we are so un-team like that something like this will never work…
So you guys may have notice some brief down time for thoughts of everything a bit earlier today. The reason for this was because I was moving thoughts of everything…
Well I’m just going to keep it short as this is more or less to wish all those mother’s out there a happy Mother’s Day. it’s call okaasan’ (お母さん) on…
Making extra money online can be hard and discouraging. The biggest reason for this is because of the amount of scams out there. But other factor pertain to payment processor,…
As some know but most don’t I’m in the process of creating a creative human beings label/publisher/store well we can go as far as creative life forms lol. It’s called…
So as I’m pretty busy with my other job which I hope to soon not have the need to be working for anyone else but building my company(s) and/or brands…
So I briefly had mentioned this in my previous post and I didn’t really talk about it. But this time I will LOL the re-introduction of EasyHits4U. Why because I…
As days go on I start notice that is seems as if more and more people are focused on themselves. I’m seeing this more and more. That entitlement attitude the…
So I recently started testing out an mobile app called Ibotta where you can earn money back on your everyday purchase including wine and beer. I dont know if tge…
AMVs of the Month here is my picks for Rutaku Anime/Thoughts of Everything.