
Hellos there everyone how are you guys all doing? Hopefully you all had a good and safe News Years eve and Day. I have a pretty good day despite the fact I had to go to work. But still I just glad to be home and now I have a day off tomorrow…ummm…weeelll actually today. I just haven’t haven’t gone to bed yet. It’s 12.19am at the moment I’m writing this sentence. So this year I’m hoping for some big changed to the site and hopefully I start having some staff that actually want to do something and help what I got going on move forward and grow. I’m hoping this year the wifey and daughter start writing content for the site. But I will be trying to work as hard as I can to make this site a place a spot where you can come and see quality content from nerdy thing to informative researched information. Thanks for reading and I hope you guys have a good day. Don’t forget to join our site so you can join in on our community. 

By Ru-Kun

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