
  • Ru-Kun wrote a new post 5 years, 10 months ago

    ::::::DISCLAIMER:::::If you are seeing this that means your a Paying member and I would like to thank you for your support as I wouldn’t be writing this without you. As this scam was bad enough to have them […]

  • Ru-Kun wrote a new post 5 years, 10 months ago

    So as my process to research and get a trusted solution for accepting cryptcurrency, like Bitcoin. Cryptocurrency is becoming a popular and I’m seeing more company’s make use of blockchain technology and create […]

  • Ru-Kun wrote a new post 5 years, 10 months ago

    Epic PTC is my company’s adopted little brother for our PeeTree Ad Network paid to click web sites. When I say adopted I meaning I didn’t realize that Epic PTC dot com was previously owned and turned scam un […]

  • Ru-Kun wrote a new post 5 years, 10 months ago

    For most of your readers, you probably didn’t know I have my own PTC (paid-to-click) sites. I have 3 two I’ve owned for while and one I just installed and open using Evolution Script version 5.3 right now t […]

  • Ru-Kun wrote a new post 5 years, 10 months ago

    Well, something I haven’t done a long while but I know I had to do. Maybe you all need to to do this is as well. I was going through my bookmarks in Firefox and cleaning them out of dead links or link I find no […]

  • Ru-Kun wrote a new post 5 years, 10 months ago

    So I know I have mentioned my traffic exchange web site before but I think it is time to revisit as I have been lowering the advertising prices to cheap for the holidays. Also if you haven’t joined yet you […]

  • Ru-Kun wrote a new post 5 years, 10 months ago

    So I know I have been slacking on posting a Anime music video but life gets in the way and I’m still in a major web site overhaul on other of my network web sites. So that process is taking its time. But I got a […]

  • Ru-Kun wrote a new post 5 years, 10 months ago

    Moments like this I so glad for technology and well I’m very glad for this blog for many reasons. This most important is that I can say things with our fear of my words being changed around to benefit someone […]

  • Ru-Kun wrote a new post 5 years, 11 months ago

    Well there really isn’t much going on in the back end of my site as I have been busy with my other web sites and my other job so I haven’t hadn’t too much time to tinker around in the back end of Thoughts of […]

  • Ru-Kun wrote a new post 5 years, 11 months ago

    Hello readers and bots alike LOL. Well, today here in the US is Thanksgiving Day and also Black Friday stuff too. What sucks is though I do get to spend most of the day at home I still have to work at 5pm to 3am […]

  • Ru-Kun wrote a new post 5 years, 11 months ago

    Sometimes while I’m playing ESO (Elder Scrolls Online) I just have to stop and take in the view. What I’m saying is that Elder Scrolls Online has some really nice looking landscapes. Below are some of my […]

  • Ru-Kun wrote a new post 5 years, 11 months ago

    So as you guys can see my slacking on posting or writing anything has been on pretty obvious at the late. We maybe I don’t think I write enough. Maybe, it because I busting my ass for slave wages. But either way […]

  • Ru-Kun wrote a new post 5 years, 11 months ago

    Well I must first say I’m sorry for not posting everyday or at least a lot then I have this month. Life get in the way and sometimes and somethings have to be pushed back while moving other things forward. And […]

  • Ru-Kun wrote a new post 6 years ago

    Welcome to October readers. Sorry I haven’t posted that much last month but this is how it’s going to be for a bit while I try and get more time for focusing my my own company and web sites. This included as it […]

  • Ru-Kun wrote a new post 6 years, 1 month ago

    So first this is going to be a multi-post meaning it will have more then one topic. This is because I have a lot going on and I kind of need to write as well for more then one reason. First I posted my job blog […]

  • Ru-Kun wrote a new post 6 years, 1 month ago

    Well the time has come to find a better job that can offer me a better opportunity to earn more money as I know I’m under paid for my knowledge, work skills and ethics. I’m a very hard worker despite me being […]

  • Ru-Kun wrote a new post 6 years, 1 month ago

    Thoughts of everything against nothing

    What about Thoughts of Nothing

  • Ru-Kun wrote a new post 6 years, 1 month ago

    So I’ve been slacking on getting somethings I was planning to do like the monthly anime music video and what not. But being that I’m busy with working on kicking it up a notch with my business stuff and I’m also […]

  • I don’t know why well actually I do as I watched this video and I makes sad that we human are so destructive and we don’t really give a shit. I not better and sometimes it’s even unavoidable due to they we use everyday. But I’m doing my best myself. Hell I even apologized to my step daughter basically…[Read more]

  • Ru-Kun wrote a new post 6 years, 1 month ago

    So this is my second PTC site (i.e. paid-to-click) since coming back online after have major health and personal issues going on. So at the moment or the time of this posting the site onloy has paid-to-click ads […]

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