Thoughts of Everything

Beware of the Dark Fart In Skyrim #ESO


Beware of the Dark #Fart on #Skyrim #elderscrollsonline #ESO  LOL Meme created by yours truly Rukun below. More or less I was just messing around with Photoshop and paint to take a screenshot. Every single time I saw that image on the launcher page I laugh as it looked as if it was trying to take a poop, almost constipated. Anyways, the image is below and you can join Thoughts Of Everything or sign in to leave a comment even though I really didn’t do a bunch of thing with the image just some edit and adding of characters/text.

Beware of the Dark Fart Meme
Click to view full sized image.

Thanks for reading and viewing. By the way my company and I do graphics work and I offer good pricing. This actually supports Thoughts Of Everything and helps keep us going. Plus I’m a person with disabilities and limitations with pain. Thank you to those that support us.

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