
Hello everyone Rukun here, how is it going today? So I know you guys who maybe here more then other and seen I’ve been writing about the Basic Attention Token project and Brave Browser a lot. And there is a damn good reason too as this project has been working really well for me in well making funds to help cover server cost of this website and my business. The concepts with the whole Basic Attention Token and Brave Browser project. I’ve been using the browser on all my devices. Better then Google Chrome and you can earn #cash while using the browser be viewing privacy respecting ads. Now as when I first was going to write this post I thought I would have it done by the time I received my third payment to my bank account which was pending when  I was going to write this but ended up getting busy with other stuff. Those of you who are creative or like to be creative this project also aims to give an option for creative people to get “tips” for the creative works whether it be write such as this BS I putting right here. Or painting and music. Which, by the way I make music as well for my upcoming creative place for creative humans called Productions Of the Human Mind. Basically earn some extra money

Anyways, so first here is my third payment was $22.85 minus $0.46 for exchange fee with I exchanged 92.146879552943743495 worth of $BAT tokens that were earned from promote people to download Brave Browser.

So first THANK YOU VERY MUCH TO THOSE WHO ALREADY DOWNLOADED FROM HERE: or any of my other links as that $22.85 helps add money to our running costs. Now here is my payment proof for my 3rd payment from this project.

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Now from my understanding all registered publisher get referral links for whatever content channel whether it be a website, youtube channel, twitter or other current publisher spots. Myself I have all my websites, my twitter account for Thoughts of Everything, and both of my youtube channels (business and Thoughts Of Everything channel) registered as Brave publishers. I’m even accepting $BAT for payments on most services offered through my business as well as other cryptocurrencies.

So when I first was going to write this article I was only going to mention the payouts as far as earnings from using Brave Browser with the Brave rewards option turn on so that you can see the privacy respecting ads to earn BAT or Basic Attention Tokens. But then my payment request for BAT to USD into my bank was received so I guess i was a good thing that I didn’t finish writing this article. So like I stated earlier I was going to write about the payouts for Brave rewards which is the 5th of each month is when you will get your rewards for all the ads you viewed. If your opt in for the Brave rewards program as you don’t need to use it if you don’t want to though IMO the smart move would be to opt-in and earn BAT. Brave is still one for the most secure browsers out there with built-in ad blocker. This is coming from me who runs/owns this site and also who repairs computers for part of my business. So anyways after I had request all the funds out of my Uphold account which is linked to Brave once you download and opt in for Brave rewards. Just remember if you need help registered on thoughts of everything website and contact me or comment on this post as part of a kind of mentoring program I’m working offering to those who use or sign up on my programs. Anyways, here is my desktop computer earnings for June 2020 screenshot below.

Click image to view full size

And here is Brave Browser on my Android phone.

Click image to view full size

Anyways, this is just a must and being that said you can even easily get donator/supporter/upgraded status with Brave by send our website or our youtube channel and my twitter for Thoughts of everything. I will be also offering a life time discounts on most in not all products and services offered though my business as the more closer I work for myself the more awesome you guys will get to view.

Now if you want to download Brave Browser which I the owner of Thoughts Of Everything suggest you do so, you can click this link and download to all your devices:

Thank you very much for reading and if you clicked any links in this article as it fully support keeping this Thoughts of Everything going. Thank you and you guys have a safe day and be safe during this crazy of #COVID19

By Ru-Kun

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