As days go on I start notice that is seems as if more and more people are focused on themselves. I’m seeing this more and more. That entitlement attitude the is becoming more common in society especially on the road. It seem to be worse in the mornings. Highway is also the worse which is not only a major safety issue but the worse place for fucking people to be driving like this. Because I’ve been a serious car accident myself that caused me a serious and permanent back and neck injury. Slow ass recovery and still always in pain. Well, I’ve been a few car accidents but not injury. Still scary as hell though. Since then I have a lot of issues with people and them driving like fucking dumb fucks. In a fucking rush up on everyone fucking ass. I don’t think people understand how hard it is not to chase them down and run them off the road and it makes me feel bad thinking like that. People really need to stop. But I think If I ever get one on image I might just start sharing them on my site in post like this LOL. I see people driving down my street which is a residential block where kid play and shit. No fucking common sense until they end up hurt someone bad or killing them. Fucking bad drivers!!!
Or lastly people taking a simple fucking yes or no question and turning it in to something complete about them. So fucking retard. I see it all the time. But yesterday I really wanted to fucking smack the shit out of someone. Like wow. Sad it was an older person then me.