Thoughts of Everything

Got 4th Payout From Nielsen


Hello everyone and how is it going today? I hope you are all doing well. I’m doing ok, just playing catch up with getting shit written for here. I’m not really a slacker I just run a lot of websites and currently a one-man team for the admin side of stuff. Plus trying to mess with some of the back end settings or adding some new features to this site. Today, I will be discussing using the Nielsen to earn money online using the PC/Mobile research panel.

Fairly recently I had requested and was paid my 4th payout from the Nielsen PC/Mobile research panel: FYI I don’t earn anything if you click the link provide. No affiliate or referral program at the the time of the post. But I will still share with you as it can help anyone earn extra money from home. Now I’m not going to go into too much detail as I discussed this program before and you can check out some of the other information about kinn my older posts:

The 4th Payment Proof From Nielsen

You can check uot my 4th payment from Nielsen within hours to my Paypal account. You can see my screenshot below. Image is clickable for larger view.

Ru-Kun’s 4th Payment From Nielsen ($5 USD )

This payment was for $5 and at the moment is going toward my business to in a way help cover Thoughts Of Everything’s hosting/domains cost in a way. So with this said I will say that Nielsen is on the paying program list and can help you earn extra money. You can join here:, add all your devices you want to earn points on that can be cash out for cash, gift cards, or items. Again I don’t earn anything from promoting this program so if you like that content we do here please support us and get extra features and what not, read more here:

Thanks for reading.


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