
Hello everyone and how is it going today? Hopefully well. Now I would also like to say Happy New Years on behalf of Thoughts Of Everything, welcome to 2022. we made it to another year. It already part way through the day for me and I got to go to work tonight. It’s 2:05pm right now where I’m at. Let all hope this year gets better and what not. The past couple years have been shitty for the most part and some had it worse that others. Anyways, with the renewal of my business license as well as the Thoughts Of Everything tradename. I want to start really kicking things up a notch and really start getting all my business projects going. Now I will say that I unregistered the Rutaku Anime tradename for Vivicawolf as I felt that because technically Rutaku Anime is part of Thoughts Of Everything and the Rutaku Anime domain points to our website anime category. Vivicawolf is a writer for our parent creative company, Productions Of The Human Mind which I may go into more detail about later maybe. 

Now I’m not going to go into too much more on this post as I’m trying to get a few things done around the house before I go to work plus another post I have yet to finish writing that I started before the new year. More or less I just wanted to say Happy New Years and give some updates to the Thoughts of everything brand. Thanks for reading and be safe out there.

By Ru-Kun

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