Thoughts of Everything

If Your WordPress Website Owner “Stop Spammers” Is A Plugin You Need


I will say that I have  Hello everyone how are you all doing today? Hopefully your all are being safe out there. I know I’m doing my best to be safe. I think we all get through this and thank you to those we have lost during this whole pandemic thing. With this being said I would also like to thank those of you who are essential workers and/or have been working the whole or most of the pandemic where you live. I have been working myself and again doing my best to stay safe. Sucks that others don’t as much. But I’m waiting to be able to get my vaccine and it sucks as I wasn’t able to qualify even with Asthma and working as a cleaner for a cleaning company. Anyways, that’s enough of that stuff and we shall move on.

So for those who maybe be reading this post and/or visiting this site for the first time, out website, Thoughts Of Everything runs on a blog type website script called WordPress and basically we are a blog and I, Rukun and the owner/creator of this site. But see and have been working on making something bigger then a little blog. But I have a couple of blogs on blogger that I don’t really post on them any more but we still maintain them for historical purposes and I had most of the post so far into this blog and those blog and a community style anime website which is the name of our anime category. But anyways some of the things I write about and investigate bring a lot of haters. I like to write about legit ways to make extra money online and as well also write about scams. Since the full launch of this site I have had one such problem scammer after I had confronted the scammer and the very first post I wrote about the bastard had disappeared after my webserver had got hacked or DDoS attacked while I was sleeping and was unable to recover the original. Since then I had add more then one type of security items to the site since this little bastard and then on top of that pretty much all website owners who allow some sort of communication with their whatever type of website deals with spammers and bots. 

So one such nice little plugin that I installed after this fucking thing pardon my language sorry not sorry but that how I feel. Anyways, this little plugin called Stop Spammers along with another plugin that I believe used to be default with WordPress called limit login attempts which has helped out a lot. Now what is nice about Stop Spammers is that plugin is that it allows you to use such services API keys like StopForumSpam, Project Honeypot, and BotScout. This gives it even more protection the the problematic spammers from around the need mean these ones hit a lot of sites and discussion forums, etc other type of sites.

So with just this bit I have stated I have been using the free version of this plugin and along side Limit Login Attempts Reloaded / Limit Login Attempts on the site for while. It many protections options such as blocking people who using what is called disposable emails to hidden who they are or check for exploits. There is also options for create your own blocklist or block whole countries. Now we don’t currently or hope to ever block any country on this site. Regardless, we have had a lot of extra protection with the Stop Spammers plugin which is kind of one of those must haves if you run a WordPress website and allow users to register. Since I have installed the plugin 2018/04/10 223992 spammers have been blocked by the plugin.

Thank you for reading this post and don’t forget to sign up for a user account and leave a comment or if you really like what we do here and would like to support us click this link here to find out how and what if comes with: or if your using Brave Browser and have the Brave Rewards program on you can send us a tip as we are a registered publisher with the project. Now if you do so please contact us after words so you can get the supporter access.  Thank you. Have a safe week everyone

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