Thoughts of Everything

Robinhood The Investing App For Everyone


Hello and how is everyone doing today? I hope you guys are doing well. I’m not doing too bad myself have had a busy week this week and just got done working over 50 hours in 5 days at my job and at the end of my days off. I am still feeling it in my body though and some of the days I got 25000 to 34000 steps. For those of your that don’t know I recently started working at an Amazon fulfillment center and left my other job.  I might go into discussing my new job later, and that’s a maybe because I got a lot of other things I would like to write about like this post that I’m about to write below.

So before we begin I want to be VERY CLEAR that I AM NOT a financial adviser and/or an expert investor. So I will tell you that everything in this post is all experience and just a small amount of research/investing and reviewing of the Robinhood app. Please understand this but I will provide any info available and PLEASE NOTE INVESTING IS very RISKY so be careful. 

Now with that being said let me give you some background why I started getting into investing and reasons before I never thought of it but have had some stocks before. The stock I had before was employee stock when I worked at Walmart but I believe I got paid out after I left the company. I might have to look into it. But anyways, I never really thought of investing before because before it always seemed to be kind of a hassle to get set up and you kind of needed a good chunk of money to get going. Nowadays with technology and how it make things such as investing easier. Such as mobile applications and the ability to be able to see real time stock tickers and one click buying. Now there are a bunch of investing apps available but I really have only tested and here at thoughts of everything we don’t feed you any bullshit to get you to join. Yes I’m still kind of testing it because there are some areas like customer support and what not but I haven’t really had to yet. I will also state that if you want to move to another stock broker you will need to pay $75 whether its a full or partial transfers. So you would need to make sure you account is worth that move if you going to do that. Inbound transfer not currently support. Now you can do partial stock buys which is very nice and to open an account you don’t need to pay fees or commissions. 

The reason I’m getting into investing is to secure my families future and also start planning and saving for my retirement as well. Now my family does have a lot of money so I have been very cautious on what I invest in. Nice thing about Robinhood is that companies listed get random articles about the company in question happenings. This is especially important for making decisions and ideas of if something that company is doing going to hinder or grow profits. I will also say its nice that you can also buy cryptos on Robinhood but not many and I don’t personally purchase cryptos on Robinhood because there isn’t a wallet or a way to send to a wallet current and not much of a digital assets/alt-coins/cryptos like other platform such as Coinbase’s Trading platform or Uphold. But you can at least buy the follow on there; Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin SV, Dogecoin or Doge, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, and Litecoin. All which i do invest in and hold. I have my long term cryptos on a hardware wallet and some on the above mentioned crypto exchanges. In fact Coinbase is on the stocks I own on Robinhood. COIN is the stock ticker symbol. Just because I wanted to invest in one of the first crypto exchange to be listed in the stock exchange. Now I also have stock in Amazon, Paypal, Sundail Growers (a cannabis company in Canada),  OrganiGram (another cannabis company), AMC, GameStop, Funko, AMD, Aptose Biosciences, Prospect Capital (one my buddy got for free for signing up under me), Google, Alibaba, Baidu, Kohls, Agenus (got two shares for free from one of my buddy’s sign ups), Cleveland-Cliffs (I got a share of this when I signed up started at $5 per share now about $20), Avista, Pfizer, Moderna, Pinterest, and Aurora Cannabis. Now you can look all these companies on Robinhood so the stock code is not really need but it helps. Anyways, you can access your account on your computer as well. Sends you the needed info about your investments including things you need for earning reporting to your government if required. Now I will be looking into this further and if new things come available I will post about it. I will also say don’t forget to join our site so you can join in our community and share any experiences you maybe have if you already use the app.

Now if you don’t and want to join Robinhood click here:

Now you will get a free stock if you link your bank account and thank you for doing so because I get a free stock and because I’m the creator of thoughts of everything you are supporting our site by doing so. Thank you and I would like to also thank you for reading.  

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