
So over in my area of the world we seem to have an issue with someone or more then one person killing cats and I think it is so damn wrong. One side of me wants the same treatment don to them but it would just make a continues cycle. And here is the thing to this day and I don’t think I will ever stop believe in the following. I believe what goes around comes around. I also believe in karma, and that we all get only so many chance before the team (you can take that how you want) gets sick of the shit and decide the party has been played and you no longer need to exist at least that is want I really hope at times. But regardless this story I about to share below is why we all need to work as a team in catching these people before anymore living being is harmed. This is happening in my state Washington, United States. Not in my city but we have had issues like this in my city as well. So sad, poor cats, and they are peoples pets too. 😥

Here is the story, just click the link and it will open in a new window or tab:

By Ru-Kun

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